
ShareMaestro is a powerful share valuation system. It calculates the intrinsic values of UK shares according to the prevailing market and economic conditions.

ShareMaestro clients can access an exclusive data file to produce automated valuations of shares in the FTSE All-Share Index. This data file is produced in association with ShareScope, our preferred product partner. The file also provides a current valuation of the FTSE 100 index.

Few shares trade at fair value. Typically around 80% of shares are at least 10% overpriced or underpriced. ShareMaestro helps you to sort the wheat from the chaff and to pinpoint great profit opportunities. ShareMaestro produces a current intrinsic share value and expresses this as a % of the current market price. The greater the gap between the % valuation and 100% (fair value), the stronger is the buy or sell signal.

ShareMaestro was developed to provide the user; automated bulk or select share valuations, the ability to export valuations to Excel, an indexed database, buy and sell signals and most importantly a simple user interface compatible with most windows operating systems.

Core Technology: Visual Basic .net, SQL, Excel Plugins